Strava Challenges Grand Prize
Strava is an app for your phone or smartwatch that can be used to track your runs and/or walks. The club uses it as a means to offer each other "kudos" when we complete a workout. Members who participate, following the rules below, will be entered in a Grand Prize Drawing at our Annual Banquet in May 2024. It is not based mostly on having the highest milage but more on consistent participation. See all the rules below.
Get Started
Download the Strava app on your phone or watch
Create a free profile (Please use your real name so we know who we are approving). It is NOT necessary to use the paid version.
Under your Settings in Privacy, make sure that your activities are set viewable to "Everyone."
Under Groups Join our Club - "Front Runners and Walkers Fort Lauderdale"
Each Month Join either the:
Running 100KM Challenge and/or Walking 50KM Challenge
Whenever, you do a run or walk click "record" on the app.
If you are already using a different tracking app most of them will sync to the Strava Platform. A board member can help you with this.
The sooner you get onboard the more "virtual tickets: for the drawing you stand to earn.
Current Challenges
Run 100K
Strava Challenges Grand Prize Rules
The Strava Challenges Grand Prize for this Race Season run from May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025 will culminate with a drawing to be held at the Annual Banquet, May 3, 2025. One winner will be drawn for the Running Category and one for the Walking Category.
The actual prizes have yet to be determined, but we expect them to be of some significant value. The prizes awarded with the 2024 drawing were valued in excess of $1100 for both the runner and the walker categories.
Participants must be members in good standing of FRWFL at the time of the drawing and must be members during any month in which they accumulate virtual tickets.
Participants accumulate virtual tickets by actively participating in a Strava Challenge each month. Each month there will be a 30 km Walking Challenge and 100 km Running Challenge. See this month’s Challenges
Participants will earn one (1) virtual ticket when they complete at least 50% of their challenge and may earn one (1) additional virtual ticket when they meet or exceed 100% of their challenge. (e.g. A walker who complete 25km earns 1 ticket while one who completes 50km earns 2 tickets)
Members may participate in both the running and the walking challenges and thus potentially accumulate virtual tickets in both. However, members may only accumulate a maximum of 2 tickets per month total for all challenges. (e.g. Although a member might earn 2 tickets for running and 2 tickets for walking, they will only accumulate 2 tickets total for the month. )
Members may join the contest at any time, but increase their odds in the drawing by joining early.
Although members may use any tracking app that syncs to Strava, only results in Strava will be considered official.
The official Ticket Tally will be viewable on our dedicated Strava Challenges Grand Prize web page
Although we encourage all members to participate in the challenges, only those present at the Annual Banquet Drawing will be eligible to win the drawing. Tickets earned by a member for a given category (running or walking) will be entered in that drawing. Additionally, if a member wins in one category they will be ineligible to win in the second category.
Download the Strava App for your phone or watch, create a free account, make sure your privacy settings are set to allow "Everyone" to see your activities, join our Strava Club and join this month’s 100KM Running or 30KM Walking Challenge today.
The Board reserves the right to alter the rules if necessary. Last Revised 5/17/2024